Subject:computer basic course
Input: keyboard mouse
processing; c.p.u
Output; monitor
Q.1 what is the main parts of computer?
The main parts of computer is given below.
key board
Q.2 How many device of computer?
I.p.o system
Q.3 how to open the computer?
Press on the open botten will be open the computer.
- click the on botten.
- click on start botten.
The term computer is derived from Latin word “computare” . which means to calculate . computer is an advanced / modern electronic device which take raw data as input ,from the user then process given instruction and gives output result and storage . it is a computer.
C=commonly/ command
M= machine
U= unit/ use for
T= trade
E= educational
R= research
B= basic
A= all
S= symbol /symbolic
I= instruction
C= code
Ms. paint is a drawing programs . if we want draw the picture Type equation that time . we can use this programs.
How to starting the Ms. paint?
- click on the start button
- click on the all programs.
- click on the accessories .
- click on the paints.
A input device through which we need instru+ction or data in the computer knows as input device .
e.g. mouse , keyboard ,scanner, joystick , digital camera etc.
An a output device is any piece of computer hardware equiment used to communicate the result of data processing carried out by on information ,processing system such as computer which converts , the electronically generated information into human readable form e.g. monitor, printer and speaker etc.
c.p.u is the brain of computer . all the calculation and compression made inside the c.p.u and c.p.u is also responsible for activation and controlling operation of others units a computer system . it’s main feature are;
- Receive and store data
- control sequence of operating system.
- Give compounds to all parts of computer system.
- carry out data processing and to output the results.
Q.1 how many types of courser?
Courser are three type ;
blanking courser
I courser
Arrow courser
Q.2 how many types of the keyboard?
Keyboards are three type
Standard keyboards
Multimedia keyboards
Wireless keyboard
Q .3 how many types of mouse?
Mouse are three type
Track ball mouse
Optical mouse
Wireless keyboard
Q .4 how many type of mouse button?
Mouse are three type of bottom
Left button
Right button
Scroll button
Q.5 how many type of mouse ?
Monitor are two types
CRD or VDU- cathode ray mouse or visual display unit.
CDE or LED- liquid crystal display or light emitting diode
Computer memory can be manly divided in to two types .
Primary memory ; memory in built in computer is knows as primary memory can be divided into 2 types.
RAM [ RANDOM ACROSS MEMORY]; A ram constitute the internal memory of the c.p.u for storing data programs result . it is read or write memory.
ROM[READ ONLY MEMORY]; ROM stands for read only memory . the memory forms which we can only read but cannot write on it . this type of memory is non volatile . the information is stored permantly in such memories during many feature.
Secondary memory ; memory which is not in built but can be attached to a computer when ever needed is knows as secondary memory. Secondary memory is permantly memory for e.g. FL oppy , CD,DVD and Disk.
Microsoft word is the world’s leading word processing application . it can be used to work with a wide range of documents like letters ,memories ,newsletters forms and now with blogs to with word 2007 . in this article . we will explore the new interface of Microsoft word 2007.
Q.6 how to start microsoft word 2007?
- click on start botten
- click on the Microsoft office
- click on the Microsoft office word2007.
Q.7 how to create/make new file folder?
- at first choose the location .
- right click on the chose location .
- click on the new .
- click on the folder.
- type the required file name on the box.
- press the enter on the keyboard.
Q.8 how to delete the unnecessary file and folder?
- select the required file and folder .
- right click on the selected file and folder.
- click on the delete.
- click on the yes / ok .
Q.9 how to restore the delete file and folder?
- double click on the recycle bin .
- chose the required file and folder.
- double click on the choosed file and folder.
- click on the restore.
- click on yes/ ok .
- close the recycle bin.
Q. 10 how to delete the file and folder from recycle bin ?
- double click on the recycle bin.
- select the required file and folder.
- right click on the choose file and folder.
- click on the delete .
- click on the yes/ ok.
`Spelling and grammar .
Auto correct / auto saving.
Working with table.
File and documents protection.
Column and drop caps .
Beautifying words[words art.
Mail merge.
Office botten
NEW [ctrl +N]
This option is used to make new file in word programs.
Click on the microsoft botten.
Click on new.
Select on the documents.
Click on create.
This option is used to save file continuous in the current .
Click on microsoft botten.
Click on save.
Type the required file name.
Click on save.
This type command is used to save our file new name and new location.
Click on microsoft office botten.
Click on the save as.
Choose new name and new location.
Type the required file name.
Click on the save.
This option is used to chose the current file .
Click on the microsoft office botten.
Click on the chose.
This option is used to open the documents or file.
Click on the microsoft office botten.
Click on the open.
Select the location where you saved the file look in box.
Select the file name.
Click on open box.
Click on the microsoft office botten.
Click on save as.
Set the location where you want to save.
Type the required file name.
Click on the tools.
Click on general option.
Type required password.
Retype a password.
Click on ok.
Retype password.
Click on ok.
Click on ok.
Click on microsoft botten .
Click on save as.
Chose required file name.
Click on tools.
Click on general option.
Remove password .
Click on ok.
Click on save.
This command is used for close the option.
Click on office botten.
Click on exit.
This type option is used to remove the last option.
Click on the undo.
This option used to reverse the last option.
Click on redo.
This command is used to print the documents.
Click on office botten.
Go print
Click on the print .
Click the properties .
Click on layout.
Set the page size and location .
Click on ok.
Click on ok.
Click on office botten.
Go to print.
Click on print preview.
Click on close print preview.
Copy [ctrl+c]
The option is used to move text from on location to another .
Select the first item you want to copy.
On the home tab clip board group click copy .
Place the courser all required all required location
go to home tab and clip board group .
Click on paste
Cut[ ctrl+ x]
This option is used to move text from one location .
Select the first item that you want to cut.
On the home tab ;’ in the clipboard group clickon cut.
Place the courser at required location.
go to home tab and clipboard group.
Click on paste.
Paste[ctrl + v]
This option is used to paste.
Select the first item that want to cut.
On the home tab in the clip board group .;’ click on cut.
Place the courser at required location .
go to home tab and clipboard group.
Click on paste.
Using the font tab
On the home tab click on dialog box box launcher .
Select the required font name
On the home tab in the font group.
Click on font space box select the required font.
Font style
Select the font style bold, italic or underline.
On the home tab in the font group.
Click on.
Size [ctrl +shift+ >]
Select the required size.
On the home tab in the font group.
Click on font size box select required.
font color
-select the required font color.
- on the home tab in the font group.
- click on font color.
Text highlight color
Select the first item that you want text highlightcolor.
Click on the hometab in the text highlight color.
Choose the required color.
Shading color
Select the first item that you was shading color.
Click the home tab in the shading color group .
Choose the required color.
At first select the required word.
On the home tab.
Click on bullets.
Select the required bullets.
At first select required word.
On the home tab.
Click on the numbering.
Select the required number.
Multilevel list
Go on multilevel list.
Choose the required multilevel list.
Write required matters.
Press/ click on enter.
Press the tab butted.
Subscripts [ ctrl + +equal]
Select the required WORD.
Click on subscripts option.
Superscripts[ ctrl+ +equal shift]
-select the required word.
- click on the superscripts.
Select your required word or sentences.
Click the change case option.
Choose the given case.
Sentence case.
Upper case.
Lower case.
Capitalize each word case
Toggle case.
Alight text left [ ctrl+l]
On the home tab .
Select required word.
Click on alight text left.
Alight text left
On the home tab .
Select the required word .
Click on alight text right.
Alight text center
On the home tab.
Select the required word.
Click the alight right center.
Justify[ctrl+ j]
-on the home tab.
- select the required paragraph.
- click the justify.
This is command is used to give the line spacing on slide.
Select the text .
On the home tab in the paragraph group.
Click on line spacing format.
Choose any action.
How to set page boarder.
On the home tab in the paragraph.
Click on button boarder.
Click on required boarder .
Click boarder page boarder and shading.
Select required format .
Click on ok.
Create a cover page; this command is used to make a cover page.
On the insert tab ,in the page group , click on cover page .
Click the cover page that you wants a cover is always added to the beginning of options documents.
Blank page
his command is used to insert a new page.
Click where you want to insert a new page any where in a documents.
On the insert tab , in the page groups , click blank page.
Page break
This command used to break the page .
Click where you wants to start new page.
On the insert tab , in the page group , click break .
Table templets ;
This command is used to make required tempalets table.
Click where you want to insert a table.
On the inserts tab , in the table group , click table.
Point to quick tables , and then click the templets that you want .
Table insert
This command is used to make table.
Click where you want to insert a table.
On the insert tab, in the table groups , on the under insert table , draw to select the number of rows and columns that you wants.
Draw table
This commands is used to create table.
Click where you wants to create table.
On the insert tab in the table group.
Click on draw table.
You can draw table.
Insert picture from file
This commands is used to insert this from file from file picture.
Click where you wants to the picture.
On the inserts tabs , illustration group.
Click on picture.
Lock at the picture.
Choose the picture.
Click on inserts.
Click art; this command is used to inserts the system file picture.
Click where you want to the picture.
On the inserts tab ,illustration groups.
Click on clip art.
Click on search for or in.
Click on required picture.
This commands is used to create required shapes
Click on shapes .
Choose the shapes and click there.
Create the shapes required places.
This command is used to create charts.
On the insert tab, in the illustration groups.
Click on charts.
Choose the required or want chart.
Click on ok.
Create on table
Word art ;
This command is used to create a style text.
On the insert tab , in the text group.
Click on word art.
Choose the word style .
Type the world style .
Click on ok.
Click on word.
Click on ok.
Click on start botten.
Create the size you want.
This commands is used to put out the any word head an the page.
On the insert tab , in the header and footer group .
Click on the header .
Choose the header style.
Type the required header .
Close the header.
This command is used to put the any word on the page’s foot.
On the insert tab , in the header and footer group.
Click on footer.
Choose the required footer style.
Type the required footer.
Close the footer.
Page number
This type is used to put the page number on the documents .
On the insert tab , in the header and footer group.
Click on page number.
Choose the page number group;.
Type the page number.
Close the header and footer.
Close the page number .
Text box
This type command is used to type the text in a box.
On the insert in tab the text group .
Click the text box.
Choose the text box.
Type the text.
Click any other.
Smart box
This command is used to create a smart art.
On the insert tab, in the illustration.
Click on smart art.
Choose the smart art click there.
Click on ok.
Drops caps
This command is used to drop the latter on the paragraph.
Select the first latter on the paragraph .
On the insert tab, in the text group.
Click on drops style and click it.
Click the anywhere.
Date and time
This commands is used to put the date and time on the page.
Click where put you want to date and time.
Click on date and time.
Choose the date and time.
Click on ok.
This commands is used to required symbols.
Click where you wants the text.
On the insert tab , in the symbol groups.
Click on symbol.
Choose the symbol and click it.
This command is used to insert file from another file from another programs .
Click where insert you want another file from another programs.
On the inserts tab , in the text group.
Click on object .
Choose the programs .
Click on ok.
Make the file.
Close the programs.
For equation
This command is used to equation formula.
- Click where insert tab , in the least groups .
- click on the object.
- choose the equation.
- type equation style.
For e.g. sinx+ siny
Text from file
This command is used to put the after saving file.
Click where you want to save to the text.
On the insert tab , in the text group.
Click on object.
Click on text from file.
Choose the file .
Click on insert.
This command is used to change layer link color and change documents heading and body text.
Theme color
This commands is used to layer link color.
Select the layer link text .
On the page layout tab, in the theme groups
Click on theme color.
Choose the color.
Theme font
This commands is used to change documents heading text and body text.
On the page layout tab, in the theme group.
Click on theme font.
In the heading font and body font box select the font that you count to used.
Create the format heading font and body font.
Click on save.
This commands is used to margin size.
On the page layout tab, in the page setup groups.
Click on margins.
Choose the required.
Page size
This commands is used to five columns on page.
On the page layout tab, in the page setup groups.
Click on size.
Click on line number.
Choose the required options.
This commands is used to give the orientation on the page.
On the page layout tab, in the page setup groups .
Click on orientation.
Choose the required paper orientation and click it.
This commands is used to give the column on the page.
On the page layout tab, in the page setup group.
Click on the columns.
Give the columns choose any one and clicks it.
Give the columns choose any one and click it.
This commands is used to page background the text.
On the page layout tab, in the page background group.
Click on water marks.
Choose the required back ground style and click it.
Page color
This commands is used to give the page color.
On the page layout tab, in the back ground group.
Click on page color.
Choose the required back ground page color and click it.
Page borders this commands is used to give the page boarder.
-on the page layout tab, in the back ground group.
- clicks on page borders.
- choose the setting style or choose the art .
- click on ok.
Text wrapping
This commands is used to text warping the picture.
Select the picture.
On the page layout tab, in the arrange group.
Click on align.
Choose the required position and click it.
Interoduction of some special keys
~ = tiled keys
@ =at the rate
$ =dollar mark
*= asterisk
_ = under colon
! = exclamation
#= hash
%= percentage
¡= vertical marks
;= semicolon
‘ = single quote marks
/ =slash
“ =double quote
< =less than
>= grater than
Microsoft excel 2007 is one of the top power full spread sheets package . it is also called electronic sheet. It is similar to account sheet. It is was developed by microsoft cooperation in America. It contained row and rows ,column and columns and shell and shell work sheet ,this software is very important because in this programs we can create bill ,sheet ,marksheet,border,chart,schedule ,etc. in this programs and we can solve our mathematical problems in this programs.
How to open the microsoft excel?
click on the start button.
Click on run command.
Run dialog box , type excel.
Finally click ok button.
click on start button.
Choose programs.
Choose microsoft home.
Click on microsoft home Excel.
thank you all😍
Thank you