Origin and evolution of earth and Human from preman|Hamrokachhya|

Origin and evolution of earth and Human  from preman
Origin and evolution of earth and Human  from preman
Origin and evolution of earth and Human from preman

In this blog  we will know about the human evolution and origin of earth.we almost know earth and human in earth are evoluted from somethnigs.

if you are the type of person who sometimes wakes up at 3:00 a.m. and lies in bed trying to wrap your tiny mind around the achingly vast universe and where it's all headed well we have something for you ever since the Big Bang the universe has been drifting and expanding the birth and death of stars leave an aftermath of galaxies planets and even living organisms this includes the Sun planets and our solar system at the center .
the Sun swept in smaller elements like hydrogen and helium further away heavier elements formed planets based on the core accretion model gravity was the driver khalessi Earth from a cloud of dust though earth was neatly orbiting the Sun as a rocky mass 4.5 billion years ago no organism could survive their radiation from the recent supernova kept the planet extremely hot.
its surface molten and oxygen was non-existent plus incredibly massive meteorites and asteroids frequently slammed onto the surface the earth got so hot it began melting heavier.
 material sank to the bottom lighter stuff rose to the top some elements evaporated this transformation created the Earth's layered core and mantle crust atmosphere and magnetic field without it earth would be blasted by harmful rays from the Sun before you learn everything about the Earth's history hit the subscribe button and ring the notification bell this way .

you'll be the first to learn about updates that appear on Googleplex in the late Hadean Eon the earth was still in its late bombardment stage there is no life temperatures are extremely hot with frequent volcanic activity and hellish environments the atmosphere is nebular possibly early oceans or bodies of liquid water the moon is formed around this time probably due to a proto planets collision into Earth in addition.
 there's reason to believe that these collisions could have sparked the chemical building blocks for life DNA eventually the climate on earth became more stable instead of a molten State the earth started to cool down water vapor condensed to form oceans and the earth cooled down enough to create continents Vale bara became Earth's first supercontinent photosynthetic organisms appeared between 3.2 and 2.4 billion years ago 
 began enriching the atmosphere with oxygen single-celled organisms consumed the sun's energy as a waste product this cyanobacteria eventually filled the oceans and atmosphere with oxygen earth now had an oxygenated atmosphere for new life to flourish but it wasn't cyanobacteria oxygen was toxic for them much life on Earth probably died out as its levels rose.
 what is known as the oxygen catastrophe imagine eight dominant species polluting the planet until extinction resistant forms survived and thrived and some developed the ability to use oxygen to increase their metabolism 
and obtain more energy from the same food at this time methane was more abundant in the atmosphere one thing that methane did very well was trap heat in the atmosphere it's one of the most efficient greenhouse gases so when oxygen combined with methane .
it produced carbon dioxide all of a sudden the greenhouse effect wasn't as strong as a result the whole planet froze it was snowball earth for the next 300 million years as oxygen filled the atmosphere Earth's ozone layer thickened before the presence of an ozone layer life was restricted to shallow water because water shielded harmful radiation that's where life existed eventually a thicker ozone layer enabled life to diversify on land 541 million years ago hard-shelled invertebrates originated in the oceans and life got more diverse from there next came the age of fish .
when thousands of fish species arose plants and fungi were the first to venture out of the water requiring them to adapt to new conditions on dry terrain some fish stayed in close proximity to land and gradually adapted to life there simultaneously developing lungs amphibians were the first vertebrates to make the move tool and the transition to life on land benefitted these creatures because there was no predators to begin with and food was plentiful that was the start of the Age of amphibians then 250 million years ago was the Permian extinction which ca stage there is no life temperatures are extremely hot with frequent volcanic activity and hellish environments the atmosphere is nebular possibly early oceans or bodies of liquid water the moon is formed around this time probably due to a proto planets collision into Earth in addition.
 there's reason to believe that these collisions could have sparked the chemical building blocks for life DNA eventually the climate on earth became more stable instead of a molten State the earth started to cool down water vapor condensed to form oceans and the earth cooled down enough to create continents Vale bara became Earth's first supercontinent photosynthetic organisms appeared between 3.2 and 2.4 billion years ago 
Began enriching the atmosphere with oxygen single-celled organisms consumed the sun's energy as a waste product this cyanobacteria eventually filled the oceans and atmosphere with oxygen earth now had an oxygenated atmosphere for new life to flourish but it wasn't cyanobacteria oxygen was toxic for them much life on Earth probably died out as its levels rose.
 what is known as the oxygen catastrophe imagine eight dominant species polluting the planet until extinction resistant forms survived and thrived and some developed the ability to use oxygen to increase their metabolism activities. and obtain more energy from the same food at this time methane was more abundant in the atmosphere one thing that methane did very well was trap heat in the atmosphere it's one of the most efficient greenhouse gases so when oxygen combined with methane .
it produced carbon dioxide all of a sudden the greenhouse effect wasn't as strong as a result the whole planet froze it was snowball earth for the next 300 million years as oxygen filled the atmosphere Earth's ozone layer thickened before the presence of an ozone layer life was restricted to shallow water because water shielded harmful radiation that's where life existed eventually a thicker ozone layer enabled life to diversify on land 541 million years ago hard-shelled invertebrates originated in the oceans and life got more diverse from there next came the age of fish .

According to chemical evolution law life was originated from chemical substsnce.  it also supports Origin and evolution of earth and Human from preman.

when thousands of fish species arose plants and fungi were the first to venture out of the water requiring them to adapt to new conditions on dry terrain some fish stayed in close proximity to land and gradually adapted to life there simultaneously developing lungs amphibians were the first vertebrates to make the move tool and the transition to life on land benefitted these creatures because there was no predators to begin with and food was plentiful that was the start of the Age of amphibians then 250 million years ago was the Permian extinction which caused extinction of 95% of all living species when Earth's climate became hotter and drier rainforests collapsed triggering the age of reptiles unanimously depicted by tyrannosaurus rex locked in eternal conflict with mortal enemy Triceratops because reptiles evolved to dry land conditions .

they gained a unique ecological advantage also notable is that Pangaea existed as one supercontinent in this area dinosaurs lived on one supercontinent plate tectonics Worthy mechanism that eventually tore continents apart don't forget that dinosaurs existed for 160 million years so continental drift gradually drifted dinosaurs apart from between the feet of stomping dinosaurs ratty animals scurry about cue an asteroid impact and the age of mammals begins mammals evolved from mammal-like reptiles called therapsids about 200 million years ago and birds from small theropod dinosaurs about 150 million years ago this evolution of both mammals and birds accelerated after the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
When a six-mile-wide asteroid struck earth just off the Yucatan Peninsula this ejected vast quantities of particulate matter and vapour into the air that occluded sunlight inhibiting photosynthesis seventy-five percent of all life including the non-avian dinosaurs became extinct poor dinosaurs imagine that if the meteor never hit earth we would be intelligent dinosaurs.
The first true mammals evolved in the shadows of dinosaurs and other large arcus ores when dinosaurs roamed the earth mammals were very small and were probably nocturnal to escape predation and because dinosaurs went extinct mammals emerged as the largest land animals at the time creatures like ambulocetus took to the oceans to eventually evolve into whales whereas some creatures like primates took to the trees then just several million years ago.

 We believe that human life began to evolve Apes remained in trees for their primary food source eventually grass began to spread in places like the African savanna and there were fewer trees this forced Apes to walk to new food sources with their heads above the grass to see predators apes evolved by walking on two legs it also helped to have their hands available when they were traveling brain size increased rapidly and by two million years ago the first animals classified in the genus Homo had appeared.
They were known for sharpening objects with silicon rocks they began to master the use of their hands and fingers in the Stone Age early humans had fire under control this enabled them to cook their food giving them more calories modern humans Homo sapiens learned to make more complex sounds and share information in groups .

They are believed to have originated around 200,000 years ago or earlier in Africa the oldest fossils date back to around 160 thousand years ago and since then humans have struggled to survive or maybe earth has 5 billion years to build the earth and only several years to ruin it what do you think about Earth's story share your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to hit the like button below.
Life on earth was evoluted from chemical hypothesis. so "Origin and evolution of earth and Human from preman" is it supports. 

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